Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello Everybody! I'm Tillie!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tillie. My family sometimes calls me Tillie Pie or Chicken Butt along with a thousand other names which I don't really understand. They think I'm about 15 years old, but no one really knows since I was found as a tiny little stray. I'm part dachshund and part mystery. One of a kind I like to say.

I've have a few medical challenges in my later years but am holding my own. I may be a little slower, but I still enjoy a good snuggle, a warm sunny day and special treats.

I live with a dapple dachshund with a half a blue eye named Max. He's 9 years old and quite the silly boy. He especially likes to stand in front of me and whack me in the face with his tail. I don't really mind, he entertains me with his silliness.

I also share my home with a 2 year old English Pointer mix, Lily Belle. One thing I'll say about Lily is that she is f-a-s-t! I can only remember being as fast as she is now. She likes to jump and play and be wild, but she really takes care of me. She licks me when I'm hurt and tries to be gentle with me even when I'm wanting to play with her.

You'll hear more about them in the days to come. Being the attention hogs they both are, I'm sure they'll take over this blog if I let them.

Toodles for now!


  1. Hi Tillie!
    Wow, you really are a trooper! I can't wait to read more about your adventures!
    Hugs and Tail Wags,

  2. Hi Tillie!

    We love you. More blogging!

    Bridget, Benny, and the Jets

  3. Tillie, You sure do have a long lifetime of stories to tell! Can't wait to hear them!
    Lots of licks,
    Bentley, the Secondhand Scottie

  4. Yay for Tillie Tales!!! So excited about your blog and can not wait to read more!!!

    Happy Tales!!
    Marie,Maddie and Mollie!!

  5. Oh Tillie, you sound like you are going to share a lot of wisdom with us!
